Edgar Barradas

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Halo on Fire

Like many, this is one of those “Fuck it! Why not?” stories.

Although they occur every 18 months or so somewhere on Earth, full solar eclipses are one of those “once-in-a-lifetime” events for some individuals.
To stand in the path of totality, and to see it with my own eyes has been one of my biggest dreams.

After being bombarded with news about it, the fear of missing out (FOMO) began to creep in. When I discovered that the next eclipse in the US wouldn’t occur until 2044, I began to panic. I didn’t want to see another partial eclipse and experience the same regret. After giving it some thought, I spoke to my good friend Sacha, who shared not only my enthusiasm for the cosmos but also my FOMO. We hyped each other up and made a bold decision to seize this opportunity; screw it! We’ll spend money, we’ll miss work, but SO WHAT! It is extraordinary moments like this that make us feel alive, connect us to the universe, and remind us of our presence on this small blue marble.

The forecast across the path of totality was a bit concerning, after considering several cities we decided that Texas would be our best bet if we wanted to see it, as it’s known for its warm weather and clear skies, with that, the possibility to include my brother, my niece, and my nephew in this remarkable experience arose.
We departed Houston for San Antonio at 4 am to avoid traffic. After a few coffees and gas stations, we reached the beautiful city of Kerrville several hours later. We were there! We made it to the path of totality! Our work was done and the rest was going to depend on luck as overcast was predicted all day long. We wandered a bit and stumbled upon a park hosting an "Eclipse Festival," where hundreds of people had gathered picnic-style in anticipation of the eclipse. it was refreshing to see everyone outside, having a good time, eating, playing games, and spending time together.

First contact happened, then about an hour later, the light started to dim gradually, and the temperature began to shift. Fortune didn't appear to be on our side though; the sun was barely visible at times, and the situation seemed to get worse by the minute. However, we reminded ourselves that simply making the trip and spending time together was what mattered. Luck seemed to have a change of heart at the last minute though, as totality began the clouds parted, allowing us to remove our glasses and witness the sun's corona with our own eyes!  I felt like a primal button got pressed inside me somewhere, it was an eerie feeling, yet marvelous! Deep in awe, a surge of joy and excitement spread through everyone around us as we cheered!! For a fleeting moment, we were united by a shared human connection, contemplating our place in the stars.

So there you go, what seemed like a crazy and irresponsible idea, became one of the best memories of my life, all because we said “fuck it! Why not?”

I’d like to give special thanks to:
Randy and Joanne for letting us stay at their place, we love you lots!!
My nephew Logan and my niece Sophia for being the coolest!
Sacha for sharing my crazy excitement and helping me make this happen!!
And my wonderful brother who’s infected me with the analog world of photography! Love you Broski!

The first 2 pictures were shot in medium format. The rest were taken by my brother Marcos, Sacha, and myself on 35mm film